3D Product knowledge videos

3D Product knowledge videos

A call from the marketing department inquired about the possibility of presenting a 3D video, explaining how our drug Ferrocal works in the human body. A new collaboration with Egyphar seems imminent, but in a new field!

“Yes, we can provide it” was our answer.

Then the work began, and the challenge. The medicine provides a group of vitamins, which are complementary so that they help each other to be absorbed, and the benefit is achieved for each of them at a specific stage and place. We drew the storyboard, displayed the script, and modified the vision until we decided on it.

We reviewed the videos presented in that field, whether with an advertising, informational or educational purpose, in addition to challenging the content and how to present the message and information. There was a great challenge to presenting an image that matches the advanced level of this quality, not only in 3D design and animation, but in visual and sound effects as well.

Indeed, it was diligent and enjoyable work, and we reached a result that calls for pride, which encouraged the dear ones in Egyphar to go through another similar experiment with us, which is the method of making another drug, Dafrex, but we faced a greater challenge, not only by presenting the capabilities of the drug, but by presenting the problem first, then How does medication treat it?

The problem was varicose veins, which are formed due to wrong practices such as standing or sitting for long periods, and it was necessary to display them through the characters of a factory worker and an employee, who suffer from them for the aforementioned reasons, then a second stage of the three-dimensional motion begins to show how the problem occurs through the sedimentation of white blood cells , until the veins limp, leading to a change in the color and shape of the skin, and then ending with various treatments, including Dafrex, which we show in the video the technique he uses in treatment in detail.

More months passed until those responsible for the newly added Immuniphar drug to the company’s group of treatments offered to make a video for an advertising goal this time, explaining in 3D Motion the idea of ​​​​the drug’s action without going into details. The goal here is not detailed knowledge but advertising for the product and attracting attention to it.

Indeed, the wonderful cooperation was repeated once again, and then again with the same product, Immuniphar, with two advertisements leading the product’s advertisement on the new media.