Pharmaceutical multimedia applications

Pharmaceutical multimedia applications

Mid-2014. We were nominated by a partner of a leading Egyptian company in the pharmaceutical industry, Egyphar, to implement a project for them. There was very little information about the project before the meeting, and all we know is that it is a multimedia product.

We collected our legacy from similar businesses, went to the meeting according to the date, presented our previous work and listened to the requests of the representatives of the prestigious institution, who had remarkable awareness and an unusual idea in their industry, which is marketing their pharmaceutical products through an application that

works on Android and Windows, which is the opposite of the common and usual form of drug marketing Through printed brochures.

We exchanged information and ideas, and the satisfaction seemed clear, they are specific and innovative, and we proved that we can provide what they want!

After a few days, we submitted our technical and financial offer, and we determined the appropriate tools for carrying out the work and the schedule for tasks and deliverables, then the approval came, after which we started producing the first line, and it contained four drugs, that step was definitely the most difficult.

It is the basis on which all subsequent work is built, an interactive application valid for more than one operating system, starting from buttons that take the form of medicine boxes, leading us to animated scenes, each of which represents a page in the original brochure, and it should not stop at the presentation stage, but is required Add motion animation to those animated scenes or slides, while controlling their flow, display, and transition from one product to another smoothly.

Then the work flow was repeated, converting brochures prepared for printing into a digital copy distributed in layers, then separating and reassembling them, then moving them into one line, then two, up to 6 lines or applications, displaying more than 30 products interactively, until new brochures were designed In order to move specially, after dispensing with the idea of ​​​​printing them, and we were honored to design some of them ourselves.

Egyphar representatives have the power to display multiple products to doctors through a small tablet, in several minutes and without carrying wide printed brochures, and we have kept up with Android updates on more than one occasion and so far, we are honored to complete this wonderful work.